You can add a column to your importer directly through the UI of your Fuse account, or you can do so in code using the documentation below.

The Time column type validates that values are a specific time format.

addColumn Function

The addColumn function accepts an object as an argument.

  • internal_key (String) - required: The internal key used to access a column’s value.
  • label (String) - required: The user-facing label shown in the interface.
  • column_type (String) - required: Should be “time”.
  • required (String) - required: Whether or not the column is required.
  • pattern (String) - required: must be one of these patterns.
  • position (Optional): The position or order of the column.
  • validations (Optional): An array of built-in data validations. See Built-in Time Validations.
  • transformations (Optional): An array of built-in data transformations. See Built-in Time Transformations.

Example Code

  const importer = new FuseImporter(organizationApiKey, importerId);

  const validations = [
      validation_type: "unique_case_insensitive",
      message: "Must be unique (case insensitive)",

  const transformations = [
      transformation_type: "autoformat",

    internal_key: "time",
    label: "Time",
    column_type: "time",
    pattern: "HH:mm:ss",
    required: true,
    position: 1,
    unique: true,
    validations: validations,
    transformations: transformations,


Example: 12:30; 23:45

Example: 12:30:45; 23:45:30

hh:mm a
Example: 01:30 PM; 11:45 AM

hh:mm:ss a
Example: 01:30:45 PM; 11:45:30 AM

Built-in Time Validations

The options property of addColumn accepts an array of validations. For the Time validation, you can specify two properties:

  • validation_type: the name of the validation
  • message: the message showed to the end user if the validation fails

The validations property accepts an array of objects that contains these possible values: validation_type, message. As the example below:

validations: [
    validation_type: "unique_case_sensitive",
    message: "Must be unique (case sensitive)",


Specifies that the value must be unique using case-sensitive comparison.

validations: [
    validation_type: "unique_case_sensitive",
    message: "Must be unique (case sensitive)",


Specifies that the value must be unique using case-insensitive comparison.

validations: [
    validation_type: "unique_case_insensitive",
    message: "Must be unique (case insensitive)",

Built-in Time Transformations

The options property of addColumn accepts an array of transformations. For the time transformations, you can specify one property:

  • transformation_type: the name of the transformation

The transformations property accepts an array of objects that contains these possible values: transformation_type. As the example below:

transformations: [
    transformation_type: "autoformat",


The autoformat transformation automatically transforms the date in the column to a standardized format specified by the pattern on the column.

transformations: [
    transformation_type: "autoformat",